000443_news@columbia.edu_Tue May 23 12:46:50 1995.msg
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From: jrd@cc.usu.edu (Joe Doupnik)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: Help With Underline Color!
Message-Id: <1995May23.184650.52006@cc.usu.edu>
Date: 23 May 95 18:46:50 MDT
References: <3pta72$9s1@chopin.udel.edu>
Organization: Utah State University
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In article <3pta72$9s1@chopin.udel.edu>, darkstar@chopin.udel.edu (Jerry Alexandratos) writes:
> Okay, I tried posting this about two weeks ago, but I think it got lost
> in the shuffle.
> I'm using MS-Kermit v3.14 patch level 3 to connect to a unix host.
> I've got the following lines in my mscustom.ini:
> set term color 10,37,44
> set term under 1,33,44
> So, everyone can assume that I use a blue on white screen on a vga
> monitor and I want my underlined characters to be bright yellow on
> blue.
> However, that's not the behavior I get from set term under. It sets
> the color to yellow on blue (this means that it comes up brown looking
> on blue).
> It's like it doesn't interpret the 1 at the beginning of the string.
> But here's the really unusual part. If I go back to the MS-Kermit>
> prompt after I've connected and I type the command in by hand, the
> colors come out as typed in!
> Am I missing something, or is this a bug in the way it's determining
> the colors?
It's not a bug that I know of, and it works fine here. But let
me add some things to consider at your end. Intensity during terminal
emulation tries to follow your DOS screen, in that a DOS bold white on
blue screen shows the remote host text also bold white on blue unless the
host says otherwise. That's equivalent to DEC dim white on black, or
DEC "normal." If the host says do a bold operation then MSK flips intensity
and you see dim but that's now DEC "bold." All this to look nice initially.
So the results depend on how you got started and what the host said as
well as what you said. [This reads like one of those intelligence tests
where Mary is 5 years older than Jane was before Jane stopped counting.]
The other mention is it could be that screen color sequencing
in your startup files overrides the lines you added, so try moving yours
around to double check.
Joe D.